Friday, September 4, 2009

Crazy Park fun

We went to a new park today so we could run around like crazy and have some fun. I was trying to figure out my camera settings and watch Sierra when I looked up and snagged this picture of Lindson through the tunnel....did you notice he only has one shoe on....He ALWAYS does this, anyway, after some searching I found it. 
Bottom of the spiral climb...
Sierra was preoccupied almost the entire time by the guy mowing the baseball field next door. She looked mostly worried and I could barely get her to lose her locked in gaze.
But I was able to distract her long enough to have her flash me with her adorable smile. Sierra's smile is beautiful and her moms...
Now, if only she would grow some teeth; 3 more months and it officially becomes "abnormal"
Hey look! I got them to both sit and look at the camera at the same time. Next step is to get them to both smile.
I'm about to make all you stay at home parents a little envious because when we got home from the park at 3 this afternoon we went straight to nap time and they must have been tired because I had to wake both of them up at 6. Nice!

Anyways on to more serious issues...Erin was out the door at 6 something this morning and will be getting home around 10 tonight where she has a one hour break before she is on call until tomorrow morning at 8. She usually gets around 7 or 8 calls throughout the night so needless to say she will be tired tomorrow. I tell this story so you guys can pray for her and for restful sleep. Mucho appreciated. 


Almost forgot...Let me know if you guys are digging any of the photo post processing techniques

1 comment:

Ann said...

Adam - you take the BEST pictures. We just love to see the kids grow through their loving Daddy's eyes. Can we get a copy of the two on the steps to the slide? Love that photo look - whatever color steps you put that through and LOVE the subjects. AND I want a copy of the one with Lindson in the tunnel (good idea for the sepia-tone). What a pair they're going to be in a year or two - unstoppable:)
Thanks for sharing. And, of course, our prayers are with Erin and her LONG days. We love her and are praying for her health and well-being as she does her important job of caring for children. Love you all and see you soon.