Friday, November 20, 2009

Two Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Except no one fell off and hit their head.

Lindson catching some major air time
Seat drop!

Bunny hop for Sierra

I think we need to get Lindson a trampoline
Sierra's turn with two feet off the ground

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I thought giving the kids markers and a coloring book would be a good distraction for them while I did the dishes but apparently I was mistaken. When I got done, I discovered Sierra trying to eat the one that smelled like Lemon and Lindson was trying his hand at face painting. Maybe next time I'll try the sticker book...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playing in pajamas...

If we had our choice (and we do), we would always be in our pajamas in this family! Sierra and Lindson tend to spend a lot of their time in pajamas (or at least in clothes that resemble pajamas) and I think they look just as cute as ever. I got home early enough to see the kids tonight, which is becoming more and more rare these days, and we went out to the studio to capture some moments playing and dancing in our pajamas! It was good...until they both started bawling of course...but I enjoyed every moment of it anyway because they are too few for me these days. Enjoy the pictures of our beautifully babes!

Sierra sitting on daddy's camera case (of course) and playing with one of her many stuffed animals...

Lindson dancing to his new robot truck that plays music and dances too!

Sierra ready for the Iditarod...or just the walk to the studio :).

Wouldn't you know that Lindson's absolute FAVORITE toy right now is the mini-calculator I use for work when I am getting the "numbers" on the babies in the NICU each morning. Lindson said to me tonight, "Mommy, I getting the numbers now" as he punched in the numbers on the calculator. It was the first thing he asked me for when I walked in the door tonight, "Mommy, you got the calculator?" What a memory that boy has...too funny!