Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time at the Terrace...

We spent the majority of last evening at the Memorial Union with our friend, Scott Mottice, and it was so great to catch up a bit.  He married us over three years ago and so much has happened since that time that it is fun to go through life with Scott being such a true friend who we can confide in and trust that he knows us so well.  Of course, we only wish we had more time to spend with him but we truly cherish the moments that we can share and the time we can spend talking about life and all that God has blessed us with.  It was an awesomely beautiful night at the terrace and we feel so blessed to have gotten the chance to see Scott again!  We miss you Scott!

Adam, of course, brought his camera and snapped a couple pictures of the kids quick.  

Lindson tipping...and then sprinting of course.

Sierra being her cute self...

Lindson stopping, if only for a moment, to show us his beautiful smile...

Sierra looking up at her daddy...

Hope you are all doing well!  Have a beautiful night!

- Erin

1 comment:

Ann said...

As usual - great pics Erin. Did you notice how much their eyes and smiles are so alike? SWEET faces. Take care and keep sharing. We love it.